Support Options

How can we help to solve your problems?

User and development manuals for Skybrush components are available online and are constantly updated when new versions are released.

Video tutorials of Skybrush Studio and Skybrush Live are available for those who wish to have a deeper understanding of drone show creation and management.

Join our Discord server for community chat support. Our developers are frequently online on Discord but note that they provide free support only on a best-effort basis, subject to available resources.

CollMot Robotics Ltd. provides dedicated support for professional drone show businesses already having Skybrush licences, for any phase of the show workflow from show design to execution. Let us shorten your learning curve and make you comfortable with using large fleets of drones!

CollMot Robotics Ltd. provides professional, enterprise-grade support services, custom development services and solutions for drone shows or other industrial multi-drone projects. Contact us for more details.

Have you found a bug while using Skybrush? Our developers are here to help you so we can all enjoy a more stable Skybrush in the future. Read on for more details about submitting bug reports.


Frequently asked questions and answers, covering topics like hardware compatibility, using Skybrush commercially, the GNU General Public License, custom extensions and more.

Do you need more than community support?

Subscribe for premium support to talk directly to our team of experts and to shape the future of Skybrush.
